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  • Talking about Easter, what ever happened to the Easter Bilby?

    Enjoy Perth! grum 2010

  • The Bilby Brothers have run all kinds of campaigns to protect the animals, including an effort to replace the Easter Bunny with the Easter Bilby.

    Planetsave 2009


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  • PBS show on the Easter Bilby

    April 5, 2015

  • The first documented use of the Easter Bilby concept was in March 1968 when a 9-year-old girl Rose-Marie Dusting, wrote a story, "Billy The Aussie Easter Bilby," which she published as a book 11 years later. The story helped catalyse the public's interest in saving the bilby. In 1991, Nicholas Newland from the 'Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia' also developed the idea of the Easter Bilby to raise awareness about the environmental damage that feral rabbits cause and to replace the Easter Bunny with true native wildlife.

    May 24, 2024